GDG Cloud Meetup

The GDG Cloud Meetup from the GDG Minsk Community will take place on December 17 at 19.00 (GMT+03). The format is online. This time it will be in English. Please register to participate. The link to the broadcast will be provided on the day of the meetup.

ИТ и интернет 16+

The GDG Cloud Meetup from the GDG Minsk Community will take place on December 17 at 19.00 (GMT+03).
The format is online. This time it will be in English.

Please register to participate. The link to the broadcast -> 

Meetup Agenda:
✅ Where is my cache? Architectural patterns for caching microservices - Rafał Leszko

Everybody knows that we need a cache, but where exactly to place it? Inside your application or as a layer in front of it? In the container or outside the container? In the era of Cloud Native and Microservices, these questions get even more complicated. In this session, I’ll present different architectural patterns for distributed caching: Embedded, Client-Server, (Kubernetes) Sidecar, and Reverse HTTP Proxy Caching.

tags: #cloud #kubernetes #microservices #caching

Speaker’s bio: 

Cloud software engineer at Hazelcast, author of the book "Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins", trainer, and conference speaker. He specializes in Java development, Cloud environments, and Continuous Delivery. Former employee in a number of companies and scientific organizations: Google, CERN, AGH University, and more.


✅ The New Era of Static Web Apps - Wassim Chegham

The web has always been shaped by many trends and the emerging landscape has some surprises in store for us. We are currently witnessing a new era of Web Applications: Static and Serverless Web Applications (or Serverless Static Web Apps). These applications are designed to be fast, reliable, engaging while benefiting from the power, flexibility, and scalability of "Serverless". Even if they are created with traditional JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular or Vue, they load and render instantly in your browsers. Join me in this session to find out how to create, configure, and deploy your Static Web Apps in a Serverless and geo-distributed environment, while benefiting from a modern and complete CI/CD chain. Are you ready to enter the era of Serverless Static Web Apps?

tags: #static #web #serverless #trends
Speaker’s bio:

Wassim is a passionate and supporter of open source. He currently works for Microsoft Azure as Senior Developer Advocate, specialized in JavaScript.
In addition to being a contributor on Angular, Bazel and Node.js, Wassim is also the author of many tools for developers such as and
For his many contributions to the developer community, Google nominated Wassim as a GDE on Web technologies, Angular, Google Assistant as well as GCP.
In his free time, Wassim is learning electronic music composition (EDM) as well as drawing and sketch noting.
You can reach out to Wassim any time on his Twitter account @manekinekko or



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1529 дней назад
17 декабря 2020 19:00–21:00

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