GDG Minsk Cloud October Meetup

During the meetup, we are going to cover security; how to integrate security gates in pipelines; how to unify security testing in cloud configs, and many more. The meetup will be online and streamed on youtube. Feel free to subscribe to the stream by using the link below

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The GDG Minsk Cloud Meetup from the GDG Minsk Community will be held on October 29 at 19.00 (GMT+03).
The format is online. Language — English

➡️ The link to the broadcast - 

Let me introduce our speakers:
✅ Kamil Potrec (
Company: Senior Security Engineer @ Snyk 

Short bio: Currently working on Snyk’s Infrastructure as Code product. I’ve started my career on the offensive security side as an infrastructure/cloud pentester. After a few years of breaking into cloud environments, I’ve decided to switch my career and become a cloud engineer helping to build and maintain platforms running on Openstack, AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes. I watch F1 and NFL on the weekends

✅ Dmitry Yackevich
Company: Security Engineering Lead @ Flo Health Inc

Short bio: Cloud and DevOps expert, built DevOps process from scratch for Flo Health, PandaDoc, TargetProcess and other startups. Now focus on Cloud Security and DevSecOps approach



1️⃣ Unify security testing in cloud configuration

In this talk, we will see how we can use the power of Open Policy Agent and Rego to shift the deployment time checks and constraints to our local development environment so we can address the issues before expensive pipelines are triggered.

2️⃣ Shift Left with Terraform and Snyk

The topic will cover Shift Left conception when security tests run before any production changes. Examples will be based on AWS Security Services (SecurityHub, GuardDuty),  Snyk as a static analysis tool, and Bitbucket Code Pipelines as CI/CD



ITMeeting — telegram channel with announcements of dev events.


1213 дней назад
29 октября 2021 19:00–20:30

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