GDG Minsk Cloud May Meetup

We will talk about how to create a pipeline in GitHub Actions and deploy it to Kubernetes and about infrastructure management.

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On May 17th, the GDG Minsk community will host the GDG Cloud Meetup.


Rob Richardson

Company and position: Software craftsman, Microsoft MVP

TopicLevel-up Your DevOps with Github Actions and Kubernetes

Description: Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes. Once setup, commit, and watch the magic flow into place. You too can automate your deployments.

Ilya Kaznacheev

Company and position: MTS Cloud, Techlead, GDE on Cloud

TopicPatterns of cloud scaling

Description: The cloud provides amazing possibilities for infrastructure management — in a couple of clicks, it is possible to create new virtual machines, run databases or establish a message broker topic. However, it’s easy to get lost in the big possibilities. I’ll explore the scalability of computing and data in today’s clouds and help you choose what’s right for your needs.


➡️ Live streaming will be on 


Info partner:


ITMeeting — телеграм-канал с анонсом dev-событий.


1029 дней назад
17 мая 2022 19:00–21:00

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